Magical Words - Alegerea, The Elite, The One (Alegerea #1, #2, #3) de Kiera Cass
“ Ideea de a intra într-o
competiţie pentru ca întreaga ţară să urmarească cum acest puştiulică arogant o
alege pe cea mai draguţă şi superficială dintre fetele frumoase şi tăcute
pentru a sta lângă el la TV... era suficientă să mă facă să urlu. Ar fi putut
exista ceva ma înjositor de atât? “
“ Era o întrebare grea. Puteam să
duc o viaţă pe care nu mi-o dorisem niciodată? Puteam să-l urmăresc în timp ce
încerca să se întâlnească şi cu alte fete pentru a se asigura că nu facea nicio
greşeală? Puteam să preiau responsabilităţile pe care le avea ca prinţ? Puteam
să-l iubesc? “
“ “Recently I’ve discovered this
one thing ….”
“It turns out I’m absolutely
terrible at staying away from you. It’s a very serious problem.”
I smiled. “Have you really
tried?” He pretended to think about it.
“Well, no. And don’t expect me to
start.” We laughed quietly, holding on to each other. In these moments, it was
so easy to picture this being the rest of my life. ”
She hit another sour note, and I couldn’t help but wince.
“Oh, look at your face!” she
exclaimed. “I’m terrible. I might as well be playing with my elbows.”
“We should try that. Maybe your
elbows are more accurate.”
She sighed. “I give up. Sorry, America, you’ve been
so patient, but I hate hearing myself play. It sounds like the piano is sick.”
“More like it’s dying, actually.”
Marlee collapsed into laughter, and I joined her. Little did I know that when
she’d asked for piano lessons, my ears would be in for such painful—but
“ How did this person—someone I’d
imagined would be my polar opposite— always seem to find the things that would
make me the happiest? “
“ I gave him a flirtatious smile
and started walking toward the door.
“America Singer, you get back here.” He ran in
front of me, wrapping an arm around my waist as we stood, chest to chest. “Tell
me,” he whispered.
I pinched my lips together.
“Fine, then I shall have to rely
on other means of communication.” Without any warning, he kissed me. “
“ “What’s it like to be in love?”
May asked.
Part of me ached. Why hadn’t she
ever asked me? Then I remembered, as far as May knew, I’d never been in love.
Lucy’s smile was sad. “It’s the most wonderful
and terrible thing that can ever happen to you,” she said simply. “You know
that you’ve found something amazing, and you want to hold on to it forever; and
every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it.” I
sighed softly. She was absolutely right.
Love is beautiful fear.”
““How are you?” he asked, crossing the room.
“Honestly? Nervous.”
“It’s because I’m so
good-looking, isn’t it?”
I laughed at the sympathetic face
he made. “I should avert my eyes,” I said, playing along. “
“It wasn’t like I made his world
better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t
fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out.”
“ “Is it strange that I feel
better going into a den of rebels than I did when I had to entertain the women
of the Italian royal family?”
Maxon laughed. “Only you.” “
“ “I’m so glad you’re here,” I
“I’m always here for you,
America. You know that.” She smiled; and for the first time in our friendship,
she seemed older than me, so calm and sure. “What in the world were you doing?”
I made a face. “It seemed like a
good idea.”
Her eyes became sympathetic. “America, you are
full of nothing but bad ideas. Great intentions but awful ideas.” “
“The best people all have some
kind of scar.”
“When I’d gotten chosen for the
Selection, I’d wanted so badly to find my way back to that life. I wanted a
world full of the music I’d always loved.
But, truly, that was never
something I could have held on to. No matter which path I took in life now,
music might only be something I pulled out at parties to entertain a guest or a
way I relaxed on a weekend.
I looked at myself in the mirror and realized
I wasn’t bitter about that, not like I thought I’d be. I’d miss it, but it was
just a piece of who I was now, not everything I was.”
“One of the things that I’ve
learned from the Selection so far is that moving forward means joining your
life before coming to the palace with the future that lies in front of you.”
“Bravery hides in amazing places.”
“Surely he loved me. Right? Why
wouldn’t he just say it?
We’re alone, Maxon. If you say it, I’ll say it
“I don’t know how to thank you
for this, Maxon.”
He smiled. “Hearing you say it is nice.” He
cleared his throat. “I’m always interested in hearing how you feel.”
Oh, no. Nope. I was not putting it out there
“Well, I’m very grateful. As
Maxon sighed. “I’m happy you like
it.” “
“ Kriss held the ends of my hair
across my forehead. “Have you ever considered getting bangs?”
“A couple of times,” I admitted,
fluffing the fringe hanging just above my eyes. “But my sister usually ends up
annoyed with hers, so I change my mind.”
“I think you’d look cute,” Kriss
said enthusiastically. “I cut some for my cousin once. I could do yours if you
“Yeah,” Celeste chimed in. “Let
her near your face with scissors, America. Great idea.” “
“ Live your life. Be as happy as
you can be, let go of the things that don’t matter, and fight. “
“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if
you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.”