Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag (joined by friends)
Pentru că m-am plictisit şi simţeam nevoia de
un tag, m-am gândit să fac unul în colaborare din nou cu Claudia. Aşa că avem
pregătite două echipe contra apocalipsei zombie şi nu ştiu sigur dacă vom reuşi
să supravieţuim. Şansele nu sunt de partea noastră. Tag-ul l-am preluat de pe
blogul Books or Movies? (găsiţi originalul pe canalul Nathan Hale) şi are următoarele cerinţe:
Pick 5 books.
Turn to a random page.
The first name you see gets to be
on your zombie survival team.
Apply the characters to the 10
situations and types of people in the order you got them.
Fret over how doomed you are.
The lie tree
/ Out of
sight, out of time
The first one to die:
C: Faith
D: Abby
The person you trip to get away from the
C: Uncle Miles
A Court of Throns
and Roses / Magie de doi bani
The first person to turn into a zombie:
C: Lucien
D: Savannah
The person that trips YOU to get away from
the zombies:
C: Tamlin
The Rose and the Dagger / Angelfall
The idiot of the team:
C: Artan
D: Raffe
"The brains" of the team:
C: Shahrzad
D: Laylah
The Caller / Champion
The team’s medic:
C:The White Lady
The weapons expert:
C: Talli
D: Eden
Half Lost / Origin
The brawler:
C: Greatorex
D: Daemon
The team captain:
C: Gabriel
D: Paris