Reading and thinking

  Am promis ca voi fi mai activa si incerc din rasputeri.Scoala poate e o scuza, insa nu pot sa ma ascund mereu ,corect?
   Deci, acum citesc "Warm Bodies" ,desi am inceput acum cateva saptamani si "Eragon-Mostenirea",insa pur si simplu nu m-am putut abtine sa nu citesc "Warm Bodies", este acel gen de carte care te atrage indiferent de ce ai face.Pot sa spun ca desi sunt la inceput, carte este superba.Fiind povestita din punctul de vedere al unul baiat ,o face si mai interesanta.Dupa cum probabil stiti, "Warm Bodies" va fi lansat si ca film, in februarie 2013.

"R is a young man with an existential crisis--he is a zombie. He shuffles through an America destroyed by war, social collapse, and the mindless hunger of his undead comrades, but he craves something more than blood and brains. He can speak just a few grunted syllables, but his inner life is deep, full of wonder and longing. He has no memories, no identity, and no pulse, but he has dreams.
After experiencing a teenage boy's memories while consuming his brain, R makes an unexpected choice that begins a tense, awkward, and stragely sweet relationship with the victim's human girlfriend. Julie is a blast of color in the otherwise dreary and gray landscape that surrounds R. His decision to protect her will transform not only R, but his fellow Dead, and perhaps their whole lifeless world.
Scary, funny, and surprisingly poignant, Warm Bodies is about being alive, being dead, and the blurry line in between."
  Va recomand cartea cu mare drag.Este speciala si interesanta, nu veti regreta ca ati citit-o.Si ma gandeam ca poate acesteia ii voi face o recenzie adevarata.Inca mai meditez asupra acestui lucru.


Vero a spus…
Cartea e in engleza? *eu sunt cam bata la engleza :))*
Denisa C a spus…
Da este in engleza, este putin mai greu, insa chiar nu ma pot dezlipi de ea.:))
Chiar sper sa fie publicata si in romana.

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